Friday, December 2, 2011

Weekly update for December 5-9, 2011

Monday:  Volcanic Eruptions - Directed Reading from textbook (pgs. 156-158)
Tuesday:  Causes of Volcanic Eruptions - Directed Reading from textbook (pgs. 166-171)
Wednesday:  Map Earthquakes and Volcanoes Lab (work with partner)
Thursday:  Continue/Finish from Wednesday.  Draw tectonic plate boundaries on above world map
Friday:  Magic School Bus - "Blows Its Top"

Study Guides will be passed out Monday and Tuesday, December 12, 13, and will be available on the blog.
Test Next Week Thursday, December 15, over Plate Tectonics

We are very much in need of classroom tissues for the students to use.  Thank you to those parents who have sent tissues already this school year.

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