Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekly Update for February 6-10, 2012

Monday: Begin new unit, Chapter 2, Section 1: Weathering. Introduction activity (Do rocks change over time? Why or why not?). Introduce essential vocabulary for unit using word sort activity. Students will share with classmates.
Tuesday: Complete steps 1-3 of Marzano's 6 step vocabulary process for chapter 2, section 1 with critical vocabulary words. Students will develop their own definitions and draw a picture to represent each word. If time, students will complete act-it-outs with a group to show the meaning of all 6 essential words in Chapter 2, section 2 (Step 4 of Marzano's vocabulary process).
Wednesday: Finish above as needed. Vocabulary formative quiz. Introduce the informational text guided reading template that students will use before they read a new section in their science textbook. The teacher will use Chapter 1, section 1 to model.
Thursday: Finish teacher modeling from Wednesday. Students will work with a partner to complete the template with Chapter 2, section 1.
Friday: Finish above as needed. Share vocabulary booklet with a partner (explain definition and describe picture). Formative quiz over essential vocabulary and other key concepts in Chapter 2, section 1.

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