Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Update: September 10-14, 2012

6th Grade
Monday: Lab - "Potato Lab"
Tuesday: Capturing Kid's Hearts - develop Social Contract
Wednesday: Finish social contract, develop classroom "Wordle", sign contract
Thursday: Begin Ecosystem Unit - Vocabulary Booklet, Introduction of Section 1 (pages 4-7), SQRRR section1, Read page 4 and complete circle map for abiotic and biotic factors.
Friday: Complete double-bubble map comparing abiotic and biotic factors, continue reading pages 4-7 and begin working on vocabulary booklet for new words read.

7th Grade
Monday:  Lab - “Potato Lab”
Tuesday: Capturing Kid's Hearts - develop Social Contract
Wednesday: Finish social contract, develop classroom "Wordle", sign contract
Thursday: Worksheet – “Scientific Method Rattlesnake Problem” and “Forming a Hypothesis”. Complete with your partner. Discuss as a class.
Friday: Magic Milk Experiment

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