Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Weekly Update for November 26-30, 2012

6th Grade:
Monday: Assess student models of the Earth's layers and display classes "top models". Formative quiz for section, "Inside the Earth"
Tuesday: Use student models of tectonic plates and correctly piece together. Name plates and identify if they are made up of continental, oceanic, or a combination of both types of crust.
Wednesday: Finish activity from Monday and Tuesday.
Thursday: In pairs, students will cut apart a world map (separate continents from oceans). Try to place continents together to form one land mass. Compare to page 104 in textbook and discuss Wegener's theory and Pangaea.
Friday: Read and tree map over pages 104-107, Restless Continents.
7th Grade:
Monday: Review for test, word sort
Tuesday: Unit test over physical and chemical properties
Wednesday: Go over test. Discuss test results. View short section of Bill Nye video over Atoms.
Thursday: Pretest over next unit, Chemical Change
Friday: Demonstration lab over molecule arrangement in liquids (hot and cold), and gasses.

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