Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekly Update for November 5-9-2012

6th Grade:
Monday: Go over Ecosystem Unit Test. Student-led conference sheet/organize notebook.
Tuesday: Finalize student-led conference material.
Wednesday: Pretest over Plate Tectonic, Earthquakes, Volcanoes unit.
Thursday: Preview textbook. Directed Reading activity; complete as a class with teacher leading.
Friday: Brace Map - "Composition of the Earth" and Physical Structure of the Earth". Circle Map - Tectonic Plates.
7th Grade:
Monday: Finish Circle Maps (Elements, Compounds, Elements) from Friday. Double bubble comparing element and compound, and compound and mixture.
Tuesday: Review sheets: Atom and Element. Student-led conference preparation (goal sheet and organize notebook).
Wednesday: Atoms, Elements, Compounds practice sheet
Thursday: Arranging the Elements (Directed Reading)
Friday: "Atomic Number" and "A World Famous Table" (practice with reading/understanding atomic numbers.
Student-led conferences Thursday, November 8 and Tuesday, November 13, from 4:00 - 6:30 PM

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