Thursday, December 12, 2013

Weekly Update for December 16-20, 2013

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Read pages 166, 167. Complete tree map, "Volcanic Eruptions". Read pages 168-170. Complete tree map, Magma, Volcanoes, and Tectonic Plate Boundaries"
Tuesday: Complete from Monday as needed. Explain/assign Mapping Earthquakes lab activity.
Wednesday: Continue above.
Thursday: Finish mapping earthquakes lab. Add major volcanoes to map. Finish vocabulary booklet.
Friday: Magic School Bus video: Blows its Top

7th Grade Science:
Grade previous assignments and collect photosynthesis lab. Lesson 1: The Plant Cell and Photosynthesis worksheet article and questions. Grade in class.
Tuesday: Continue with article from above and answer written questions worksheet. Collect for grade.
Wednesday: Compare plant and animal cell models. Observe plant cells using microscopes focusing on the stomata. Compare difference between fern plant and Wandering Jew.
Thursday: Observe plant lab started previous week with light being variable and complete lab sheet. Especially look for changes in leaf color and overall health of plant. Collect for a grade.
Friday: Bill Nye - Plants

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