Thursday, January 30, 2014

Weekly Update for February 3-7, 2014

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Assign vocabulary booklet and discuss.
Tuesday: Weathering quiz from textbook. Using "Information Text Guided Reading" handout, read pages 42-44, From Bedrock to Soil, and complete reading guide with partner.
Wednesday:  Periods 3,4,7: Complete above assignment. Introduce proper use of microscope in lab. Period 2: Nice assembly
Thursday: Period 2: Introduce proper use of  microscope in lab.  Complete assignment from Tuesday. Periods 3,4,7: Lab: Compare soil types by use of a microscope and magnifying glass. Determine makeup of soil sample.
Friday: Period 2: Lab: Compare soil types by use of a microscope and magnifying glass. Determine makeup of soil sample. Periods 3,4 7: Video: Weathering and Erosion (Physical Geography Series). Worksheet over video.

7th Grade Science:
Monday: Read/Cornell Notes for article, What Is a Wave? and Double Bubble Thinking Map(Mechanical Waves and Electromagnetic Waves).
Tuesday: Formative quiz: Light, Energy, and Waves. Complete a multi-flow thinking map for amplitude, wavelength, and frequency comparing high energy and low energy while using rope to demonstrate.
Wednesday: Read/discuss pages 30-32. Update vocabulary booklet as needed. Assign Directed Reading pages 36-41 (Properties of Sound)
Thursday: Bill Nye video: Energy and Waves and worksheet.
Friday: Read/Cornell Notes for article, Waves

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