Thursday, February 13, 2014

Weekly Update for February 17-21, 2014

6th Grade Science:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Snow Day
Wednesday: Discuss/grade guided reading and vocabulary sheets. Assign Double-bubble thinking map comparing erosion and deposition. Pass out study guide for test.
Thursday: Finish/discuss study guide over unit. Quizlet to review for test in media center.
Friday: Unit test over Weathering, Soil, Erosion, and Deposition

7th Grade Science:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Snow Day
Wednesday: Discuss test results for Waves and Energy test. Assign interactive textbook activity: Characteristics of the Atmosphere.
Thursday: Directed Reading for above section. Two double bubble thinking maps (troposphere/stratosphere, mesosphere/thermosphere).
Friday: Reinforcement: Earth's Amazing Atmosphere, and section quiz.

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