Friday, April 4, 2014

Weekly Update for April 14-18, 2-14

6th Grade Science
Monday: 2nd period: review fossil worksheet and quiz, 3rd period: grade quiz. Assign remainder of vocabulary booklet. 
Tuesday: Lab activity: "Who's On First? A Relative Dating Activity." Set A
Wednesday: Continue/Finish/discuss "Who's on First". Set B
Thursday: Lab activity: "How Do You Stack Up?" (groups of 3)
Friday: Finish above including questions and discuss. Vocabulary word packet due.

7th Grade Science
Monday:  Bill Nye video: The Water Cycle". (1,2,3,2,3 writing assignment from video and how it compares/contrasts with students' water cycle diagrams.) Collect worksheet: Factors Affecting Climate.
Tuesday: Students in groups set up water cycle lab models. Review expectations for lab sheet. Assign Climate review - Assign "Interpreting Graphics".  (If time): Exit slip: How confident am I that my model will represent an actual water cycle and why? What part(s) does it not include of the water cycle and why did I not include this with my model? Discuss climate review from Monday.
Wednesday: Observe and finish lab sheet for water cycle lab. Collect for a grade.
Thursday: Introduce/discuss student's prior knowledge of what a watershed is. Assign questions in groups of 3. Computer lab
Friday: Finish activity about watershed in computer lab. Formative Quiz: Characteristics of a Watershed

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