Friday, September 16, 2011

Weekly update for September 19-23, 2011

Monday:  Place students into groups for project.
-"You Tube" video over introduction to ecosystems.
-Students will select top ecosystem choices.
-Students will be given their assigned ecosystem.
Tuesday:  Discuss rubrics for project focusing on their assigned ecosystem (explain/demonstrate expectations). 
-Introduce Circle Map (Thinking Map). Model using "School" as topic.
-Have students complete Circle Map for their assigned ecosystem.
-Begin "Need to Know" for questions and add vocabulary as needed.
Wednesday:  Finish "Need to Know" questions.
-Introduce Bubble Map (Thinking Map). Model using "Tree" as a subject.
-Have students complete a Bubble Map for assigned ecosystem.
-Teacher will model how to research using textbook as a guide.
Thursday:  Teacher will introduce Double Bubble (Thinking Map) for a general term (Dog and Cat).
-Have students individually complete a Double Bubble Map for terms abiotic and biotic.  Compare maps  in small groups and then as a total class.
Continue group work "Need to Know" activity.
Friday:  Bill Nye Video (Biodiversity). Continue group work towards finding answers for "Need to Know" activity.

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