Friday, February 1, 2013

Weekly update for February 4-8, 2013

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Correct two papers from last week for a grade. Vocabulary booklet (first 6 words).  Formative quiz over weathering.
Tuesday: Using "Information Text Guided Reading" handout, read pages 42-44 and complete note-taking requirements with a partner (my selection).
Wednesday: Lab - Scientific Method lab report over soil particle size.
Thursday: Continue/finish above lab.  Also lab observing particle size using magnifying glass.
Friday: Take scores for previous assignments. Vocabulary Booklet (next 5 words)

7th Grade Science:
Monday: Test review. Arrange Quizlet cards. Double Bubble map comparing Mechanical Waves and Electromagnetic Waves.
Tuesday: Waves and Energy Test
Wednesday: Bill Nye - Water Cycle
Thursday: Cornell Notes: Energy From the Sun and textbook (Weather and Climate)
Friday: Snow Day

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