Friday, March 15, 2013

Weekly Update for March 18-22, 2013

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Metamorphic Rock - Read pages 44-49 with a partner. Complete Cornell Notes (with your partner) and Bubble Map (individually).
Tuesday: Go over/discuss Monday's assignment. Lab: Metamorphic rock.
Wednesday: Review sheet: Just the Facts. Pass out rock cycle diagrams and have students make corrections where necessary. Show me corrections for any grade changes.
Thursday: Pass out and start study guide.
Friday: Computer lab room 23: Quizlet - vocabulary review

7th Grade Science:
Monday: Pass back and discuss assignment over energy from the sun and greenhouse effect. Lab activity: Blow, Wind, Blow!
Tuesday: Lab activity: Wind and air masses. Vocabulary booklet
Wednesday: Global Wind Belts and Circulation Cells
Thursday:  Global Wind Patterns activity and quiz over global and local winds
Friday: Quizlet in room 23. Catch-up for those students who owe work.

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