Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekly Update for March 11-15, 2013

6th Grade Science
Monday: Collect remaining rock cycle diagrams. Watch Rocks and Minerals video. Assign double bubble thinking map comparing minerals and rocks.
Tuesday: Survey pages 36-39 (Igneous Rock) as a class looking for key points, figures, etc. Read as a class. Assign Cornell Notes. Discuss figure on back of Cornell notes sheet. Assign Circle Map - Characteristics of Igneous Rock. (I will be gone to Next Generation Science Standards meeting).
Wednesday: Discuss/grade work from yesterday. Collect Circle Map and grade.  Lab Activity: Using igneous rock samples, observe and record characteristics.
Thursday: Survey pages 40-43 (Sedimentary Rock) as a class looking for key points, figures, etc. Read as a class. Assign Cornell Notes for reading. Discuss diagram on back of sheet.
Friday: Discuss/grade from yesterday. Lab activity: Using sedimentary rock samples, observe and record characteristics.

7th Grade Science
Monday:Read pages 10-13 (Atmospheric Heating) and complete Directed Reading activity. Also, answer questions 2-5, 7,8 on page 13 (section review).
Tuesday: Assign tree map comparing radiation, conduction, and convection. Also, make drawing duplicating pages 10, and 11. Have students color drawing using colored pencils.
Wednesday: Correct/discuss assignments from Monday and Tuesday.  Make a sequencing map showing the greenhouse effect. Lab demonstration showing convection.
Thursday: Assign Interactive Reading activity for Global Winds and Local Winds section.
Friday: Global Wind Patterns activity

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