Friday, March 1, 2013

Weekly Update for March 4-8, 2013

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Activity: Identifying Minerals (groups). Video: Science in Action: Rocks and Minerals.
Tuesday: Read pages 28-35 (The Rock Cycle) and complete Directed Reading activity.
Wednesday: Using pages 28-35 (The Rock Cycle) record key information using Cornell notes and discuss the rock cycle.
Thursday: Diagram the Rock Cycle (Give each student a 12" x 18" piece of white paper to complete activity. In addition, include with drawing information asked for on page 31 for Rock Dictionary - definition for each and a means of remembering the process of how each is formed).
Friday: Finish diagram and Rock Dictionary. Rock Cycle quiz and tree map over three rock types.

7th Grade Science:
Monday: Begin "Layers of the Atmosphere" activity (in media center). Groups of 3. Pass out activity description and explain expectations.  Use time in computer lab researching for information about layers of the atmosphere.
Tuesday: In classroom using information from Monday to complete activity.
Wednesday: Continue/finish from Monday.
Thursday:  Atmosphere Quiz. Bill Nye video: The Atmosphere. Assign questions to be answered using information from video.
Friday: Atmospheric Heating: Read pages 10-13 with a partner and complete Directed Reading activity. Make a tree map giving information for radiation, conduction, and convection. Describe each and give an example for each.

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