Friday, September 6, 2013

Weekly Update: September 9-13, 2013

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Scientific Method - Review worksheet: "Baby Cheetahs". Pass out and assign worksheet "Alligator Snapping Turtles" (Partner). Review and Quiz/Assignment
Tuesday: Lab - "Potato Lab" (groups of 4)
Wednesday: Correct scientific method quiz and potato lab for grade. Begin Ecosystem unit - Pass out vocabulary booklet. Model SQRRR for pages 4-7. Read page 4 and discuss.
Thursday: Complete circle map for abiotic and biotic factors. Complete double-bubble map comparing abiotic and biotic factors.
Friday:   Explain/assign Ecosystem in a Bottle activity. Magic School Bus Video: Hops Home
7th Grade Science:
Monday: Begin Physical and Chemical Properties unit. Matter: 1. Using textbook: "Introduction to Matter", explain reading informational text. 2. Read pages 4-9. Complete Reading Review worksheet, "What is Matter?"
Tuesday: Lab - "Matter" - including questions and extensions. Find 2 additional examples of matter and 2 non-examples of matter.
Wednesday: Lab - "Magic Milk" (groups of 3)
Thursday: Introduce expository writing format (focus on main ideas and supporting details).
Friday: Finish above. Practice other examples with current unit.

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