Thursday, November 14, 2013

Weekly Update for November 18-22, 2013

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Formative quiz over layers of the earth. Review/discuss as a class pages 104, 105. In groups, but with all students doing the activity individually, cut apart the continents on a world map. Try placing continents together to replicate Wegener's Continental Theory.
Tuesday: Continue and hopefully finish above and glue onto paper.
Wednesday: Finish from Tuesday if not done. Show/discuss you-tube video (Continental Drift Alfred Wegener) and then Power Writing assignment (review prior to assigning paragraph). (Pangaea could have been possible as shown with my cut and paste assignment for two reasons.)
Thursday: Return/discuss writing assignment from previous day. Show/discuss you-tube video (Bill Nye sea-floor spreading). Assign tree map over Restless Continents, pages 104-107.
Friday: Finish from Thursday as needed.  Show/discuss you-tube video (Mid-Atlantic Ridges and Magnetization of the seafloor). Circle map over Mid-Ocean Ridges and Sea-floor Spreading, page 106

7th Grade Science:
Monday: Exploding Ziploc Bag lab
Tuesday: Finish QPOE2 lab sheet.
Wednesday: Finish QPOE2 lab sheet. Identify evidence of a chemical change while viewing you-tube video
Thursday: Aluminum and Copper Chloride lab
Friday: Finish QPOE2 lab sheet with focus being on data analysis (classroom data), explanation, evaluation, and application.

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