Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Update for November 4-8, 2013

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Directed Reading (Inside the Earth)
Tuesday: Finish directed reading from Monday.
Wednesday: Student-led conference preparation
Thursday: Organize notebooks for student-led conferences. Two Tree Maps - "Composition of the Earth" and Physical Structure of the Earth".
Friday: Circle map for tectonic plates.

7th Grade Science:
Monday: Review physical and chemical properties. Have students develop a list of both properties in groups. Also, review changes of state of matter.
Tuesday:   In groups list characteristics of each state of matter. Student-led conference preparation.
Wednesday: Finalize student-led conference preparation.
Thursday: Lab - groups practice measurement: length with metric, mass in grams using balance, volume with metric. If time, find the density on one item from the egg carton container.
Friday:  Have students measure four items in the egg cartons using two metric measurement and its English equivalent. Also practice longer measurements using metric measurement. Students need to develop a table to record data collected.

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