Thursday, March 6, 2014

Weekly Update for March 10-14, 2014

6th Grade Science
Monday: Survey pages 36-39 (Igneous Rock) as a class looking for key points, figures, etc. Read in groups and complete Cornell Notes. Independent - bubble map.
Tuesday: Discuss Cornell notes. Collect bubble map for a grade. Lab activity: Using igneous rock samples, observe and record characteristics. Independent - quiz over igneous rock.
Wednesday: Survey pages 40-43 (Sedimentary Rock) as a class identifying key points. Read in groups and complete Cornell Notes. Independent - bubble map.  
Thursday: Discuss Cornell notes. Collect bubble map. Lab: Sedimentary rock samples, observe and record characteristics. Independent - Quiz
Friday: Survey and identify key points for pages 44-49 (Metamorphic Rock). Read in groups and complete Cornell notes. Independent - Bubble map.
7th Grade Science
Monday: Demonstration and Lab: Convection
Tuesday: Lab: Wind and Air Masses
Wednesday: Global Wind Belts and Circulation Cells written activity
Thursday: Finish previous assignment.
Friday: Global Wind Patterns activity.

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