Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Weekly Update for March 17-21, 2014

6th Grade Science
Monday:  Discuss Cornell notes and collect bubble map. Lab: Metamorphic rock samples, observe and record characteristics. Independent - Quiz.
Tuesday:  Review sheet: Just the Facts. Pass out study guide. (I am gone to Kent Science Team Meeting)
Wednesday: Quiz - Rock Cycle. Finish and discuss study guide.
Thursday: Quizlet in media center.
Friday: Unit test over the rock cycle.

7th Grade Science
Monday: Inquiry Questions - Local Winds. Quiz: Global and Local Winds
Tuesday: Fusing Energy article and questions. (I am gone to Kent Science Team Meeting)
Wednesday: Review using: Energy from the Sun Cornell notes (pages 10-13).
Thursday: Quizlet in room 25
Friday: Test

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