Friday, February 15, 2013

Weekly Update for February 18-22, 2013

6th Grade Science:
Monday: Student-led conference preparation. Also, finish Layered Book over Erosion and Deposition. Assign double bubble thinking map comparing erosion and deposition.
Tuesday: Pass out and explain Extra Credit option. Computer Lab: Quizlet review over vocabulary
Wednesday: Study Guide
Thursday: Unit test over Soil, Weathering, and Erosion
Friday: No School

7th Grade Science:
Monday: Student-led conference preparation. also, explain, model, assign interactive textbook activity: Characteristics of the Atmosphere.
Tuesday: Assign Directed Reading A for Characteristics of the Atmosphere. Correct/discuss/grade
Wednesday: Characteristics of the Atmosphere, Section Review and two double bubble thinking maps (troposphere/stratosphere, mesosphere/thermosphere)
Thursday: Earth's amazing Atmosphere, Reinforcement. Section Quiz
Friday: No School

Student-led conferences: Tuesday, February 19 and 26, 4:00 - 6:30 PM

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